Pattern Corrections
All patterns are professionally tech edited and tested in order to offer unmatched product quality but sometimes mistakes happen. If pattern corrections are necessary for any product, you can find them here.
If you catch an error you don't see listed below, please reach out at
As always, thank you for your support and I hope you're enjoying your patterns!

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For patterns downloaded before April 2024:
Page 12 - Cutting Instructions - Strip and Square Background
Two-Color, Throw Size should Include (8) additional 6 1/2" squares to make the half square triangles. The total amount of 6 1/2" squares cut should be 13 (8 for HSTs, 5 for BG4).
- Cut (4) 6 1/2" squares from one 9 3/4" WOF strip (after cutting all 9 3/4" squares).
- Cut (4) additional 6 1/2" squares from the 6 1/2" WOF strips.